6 simple conservatory ideas for Autumn

9th October 2017

Kicking through the fallen leaves, feeling the colder weather on your skin and watching the dark nights quickly closing in. You can’t deny the unmistakable signs that Autumn is here.

Many of us look forward to this traditional season of change, seeing it as a great excuse to curl up at home and get cosy.

Hot chocolate, homemade soup and thick warm socks (along with some great TV!) guarantee to get you in the mood for the run-up to Christmas.

But before going into complete hibernation, sit down and study our six simple conservatory ideas for autumn – and be inspired to make your home even more cosy!

1. Clear away any clutter

It may sound obvious, but putting the sun-cream back in the cupboard, packing away your sunglasses and clearing up any summer essentials ready to use again next year will help make the most of the space you have.

2. Get rustic with rugs

With nights lasting longer and the temperature dropping, it's important to add comfort and warmth to your conservatory. Placing a rug under your feet or positioning it in a heavy-use area will immediately help to take the chill off.

3. Curl up cosy

Draping traditional wool blankets or thick fur throws on the backs of chairs will make your conservatory feel more homely and welcoming. If it gets too cold, snuggling up under them will keep you warm!


4. Be creative with cushions

The more cushions the better. Thick ones or thin ones to patterned ones, picture ones and textured ones. It doesn't matter what they look like, as long as there are lots of them to combat the cold. Warmer colours, like deep reds or oranges, combine well with earthy shades of grey or brown – particularly in autumn, a season synonymous with falling leaves and nature's golden-brown hues.

5. Inject some heat

Scented candles are a beautiful way to add background warmth and a seasonal charm to any conservatory. If an icy blast strikes, invest in a mini electric heater to provide you with instant warmth and temperature control.

6. Create a cosy reading area

Colder weather, darker days and longer nights lend themselves to curling up under a warm blanket with a good book. Transform your conservatory by creating a dedicated reading area with the addition of autumnal cushions and throws on your favourite chair. But don’t forget to make sure there’s somewhere nearby to place your nice cup of tea or hot chocolate.

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